Hypnosis for Emotional Eating Script 4
Welcome to our Hypnosis Scripts for Weight Loss Series. You have reached Hypnosis for Emotional Eating Script 4. Emotional eating can sabotage even the best weight loss plans. In this hypnosis script, we address the issues at the heart of emotional eating and then use the power of the subconscious mind to turn behaviors around.
This script is a part of a series of hypnosis scripts we wrote to influence motivation for healthy eating, exercise, and self-care that will ultimately result in better health and weight loss.
For Discussion Before Hypnosis
These discussion points are to help guide your pre-hypnosis discussion. Please use these as a jumping off point to create your own discussion with your clients and to personalize their hypnosis session.
– Talk about identifying and stopping emotional eating. Explain that this is such a huge reason why so many people overeat, but hypnosis can help!
– Experts estimate that 75% of overeating is caused by emotions. (WebMD.com)
– “Stress and misguided eating habits have stripped the natural calm and silence from out bodies at the cellular level.” Dr. Chopra
– The problem is not the craving (we crave what we need, even if unhealthy) its the imbalance that led to the craving.
Identify what activities can take the place of emotional eating (have each person name 1 or2) Examples: Reading, Listening or Playing Music, Walking, Taking a bath, Playing, Talking with a Friend, Cleaning, Gardening, Creating art, writing in a journal, doing yoga, writing a letter, meditating, doing self-hypnosis, breathing).
– Introduce EFT and the Tapping out craving system.
Hypnosis for Emotional Eating Script 4
I love this script. It has helped me and so many of my clients over the years with developing the self acceptance necessary to break negative emotional eating habits.
Here is a quote from the script that I find particularly powerful, “Now that you are so relaxed it might be easy to forget that such things as stress, depression, boredom, anxiety, loneliness and frustration exist in life, but they do… and they are at times a very real part of our weight loss journey. This is okay…You are okay, because you are developing an inner perseverance that endures and sustains you through all trails of life. An inspiration that works well beyond motivation and effort.”
Our subconscious mind is that inspiration that goes beyond motivation and effort, and hypnosis helps us to access it. I hope you enjoy our emotional eating weight loss hypnosis script.
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Hypnosis For Emotional Eating
Finding a comfortable, open position and allowing your breath to become very relaxed. Let go completely starting with your toes, your legs, your hips, and your back. Allow your fingers to release, you arms to relax, your shoulders relax and your heart area opens. Your whole body relaxes...sinks into the mat...even begins to disappear as you relax your neck, your jaw, your mouth, nose, eyes and forehead. All very relaxed.
Now I would like you to imagine that right in front of you is a writing board. In your mind... either see a chalkboard or a dry erase board. Which ever you see, see it now with detail and clarity. Use your imagination to see this board in your mind's eye... Now go up to the board and take your marker or chalk and draw a circle on the board. In the middle of that circle draw the number 15 being careful to fill the circle as much as you can without disturbing the circle.
Now in a moment you are going to erase the number 15 and then write the number 14 in the circle watching every stroke and movement of your hand. Wait for my cue...You will keep writing and erasing numbers until you get to 0. I will keep talking, but you will not need to listen, your only job will be to make and erase numbers consciously as your subconscious takes over listening to my voice.
Go ahead NOW - start making and erasing the numbers 15 through 0 and letting every number you make and every number you carefully erase relax you even deeper. The numbers are relaxing you even more and as you work downward your mind is sinking as well into a wonderful, relaxing state of hypnosis where your subconscious can do all the work. Your conscious mind focuses on the task at hand as each number you make and each number you erase sinks you down, down, down into this wonderful state of being. Sinking deeper and deeper into hypnosis. When you reach zero just letting your mind float on your breath. Each number you make relaxes you down even deeper and each number you erase allows you to let go and just breath. Sinking deeper and deeper and deeper into a restorative and rejuvenating hypnotic sleep.
Good. Where ever you are in your numbers you can let go of that image and just allow yourself to float on your breath. Even as you lay here, your body begins to disappear and you have the complete freedom to be totally present and subconsciously aware. All outside sounds will only help you to relax still deeper as you float on your breath. Relax, relax. You are doing great. The rhythmic breathing our your body relaxes you deeper and deeper.
Suggestions: Now that you are so relaxed it might be easy to forget that such things as stress, depression, boredom, anxiety, loneliness and frustration exist in life, but they do... and they are at times a very real part of our weight loss journey. This is okay...You are okay, because you are developing an inner perseverance that endures and sustains you through all trails of life. An inspiration that works well beyond motivation and effort.
Let's take a moment to appreciate how wonderful our human body is. We have so many chemical reactions, systems and processes that make up who we are physically and these processes have an effect on how we feel emotionally. When we treat our body lovingly and carefully, all of these systems function correctly and produce chemicals that keep us happy and healthy. When we treat our body poorly by eating incorrectly and not exercising enough, our systems are compromised by stress hormones and survival chemicals. This knowledge is now a part of your mind and the effects of your actions give even more clarity to your thoughts and choices.
I would like you to picture yourself at home. Picture in every detail you can a time when you have been bored, sad, lonely or stressed and you have reached for food as a comfort or activity. Bring back all the emotions and cravings that come with this situation... Perhaps it is evening and you have nothing planned for the whole night...Maybe you have the TV on, maybe you have been lazing around all day or maybe you have just gotten home from a stressful day. Whatever your situation, you know what you usually do, and if necessary, you are NOW ready to change your behaviors. In your visualization, picture yourself NOW, instead of reaching for food...
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Since your eating habits create a cycle that affects your emotions and your health, you are NOW creating new behaviors for comforting yourself at times of loneliness, boredom, sadness, and stress.
If you have a craving...You are slowing down... taking the time to listen to your body to see if is a craving or true hunger. True hunger will come on slowly and will signal to your body to eat healthy, life giving foods. True hunger can wait and true hunger ...will tell you when you are full. You are now even more aware of your bodies needs and you are satisfying them with healthy food, exercise and rest.
Whether or not you consider yourself a “moody person” our motivation is always effected by our moods. You now know that the good news is that exercise can elevate your mood. You are developing a cycle of positive energy for your body. The more you exercise, the better your mood, and the better your mood, the more you will exercise. This exercise will also release your stress and improve your sleep allowing you to develop even more energy. You are becoming unstoppable. Your energy and drive for life are increasing every day.
Your inner peace...your inner inspiration...they are with you NOW as a constant reminder of your commitment, your expectancy and your desire to lose weight through all life's trails and adventures. Today, this week, this month, is the perfect time to lose weight. There has never been a time like NOW. This present moment, to change your mind and your body. You will succeed in losing weight. You will lose 1-2 pounds a week. Weight loss is easy because you are now enjoying exercise more than ever before. You love working out and moving more. You are also loving healthier foods that satisfy you and sustain you meal to meal. And you are relaxing and taking care of yourself.
As your body relaxes even more, you are NOW creating the ability to metabolize fat as fuel for your body. You are energizing your metabolism with the stores of your body. You are now losing weight with constant subconscious awareness and internal peace.
Your inner inspiration is now glowing in your body, following you as closely as your shadow as you move along your weight loss journey. Feeling in your body along with this glowing inspiration, a spirit of gratitude...of love for yourself and a growing love and patience for all people. And this is so.
In a moment I will count from one to five, and as I count, you can slowly awake yourself from hypnosis.
1 Breathing begining to deepen
2 Body coming to awareness of the room
3 Wiggling through your fingers and toes
4 Eyes beginning to open...and
5 Full awake, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated
Emotional Eating Script Final Thoughts
This script is empowering. Another reminder that all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. As the script says,
You are becoming unstoppable. Your energy and drive for life are increasing every day. Your inner peace…your inner inspiration…they are with you NOW as a constant reminder of your commitment, your expectancy and your desire to reach your goals.
Whether our goals are weight loss or just healthy living and living life to the fullest, we can all benefit from this script.
Thank you for being on this journey with us.