The Tools for Change
Hyp-Yoga = Hypnosis + Yoga + Mind/Body Tools, Articles, Resources on the web.
Discover what you can achieve through the power of your mind and body. Discover how to lose weight, sleep better, live mindfully, accomplish your goals, and more. At, you will find yoga classes, hypnosis scripts, wellness articles and tools for professionals as well as for all personal practices. Welcome!
Featured Articles
Eight Limbs of Yoga – A Guide and Modern Review
Best Portable Foam Roller – Top 5 List
The Best Vibrating Foam Rollers
How to Choose a Foam Roller: All You Need to Know
Best Foam Roller for Back Pain
What Size Foam Roller Should I Get?
What Is the Best Brand of Foam Roller?
7 Benefits of Foam Rolling for Weight Loss
How to Use Ghee for Weight Loss – An Ayurvedic Aspect Of Clarified Butter
Dry Brushing, A How to Guide to Garshana in Ayurveda
Conscious Living with Subconscious Help
At Hyp-Yoga we promote Conscious Living with Subconscious Help – What dose this mean? Let’s break it down.
- Conscious Living – this means living a brilliant, vibrant life. Fully alive and in the present moment. A mindful, meaningful life.
- The second part? with Subconscious Help – your Motivation is like a muscle and with overuse – it will tire – But… if you tap into the power of your subconscious mind – the part of your mind that never tires, that never stops or tires and regulates your blood pressure, your heart beat, your breathing and even your metabolism.
Right NOW is your time.
You might have heard that the world is abundant, and it is true. There is enough for everyone, we just need to reach out and accept what is given to us. Being open and ready to see and accept opportunity is the first step. The second step is to start the journey through opportunity with perseverance and untiring drive. The third step is to accept your success and the fruits of your labor.
Find the Best Yoga, Hypnosis & Tools Here
You can develop an inner inspiration that never tires, that makes your good behaviors and your positive thoughts HABIT.
And you can do this Better and Faster with the harnessing of your body and mind with Hyp-Yoga – the Best Hypnosis+ The Best Yoga + The Best Mind Bodies Tools out there.
In addition to helping you reach all your personal and professional goals, we also have a weight loss specific articles and tools.
Here is what you will find information on at
Hypnosis for Weight Loss
Hypnosis for Sleep
Articles and Tools For Yoga Instructors
Scripts and Tools for Hypnotists and Hypnotherapists
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking
Our Mission Includes:
- Focusing not on “diet” culture, but creating a lifestyle
- Reprograming your body to burn fat as fuel
- Helping you change your perceptions for the positive
- Behavior change by teaching you new awareness, what energy are you putting behind your behaviors, finding new positive behaviors to replace negative ones.
- Celebrating success stories
- Focusing on Yoga, Hypnosis, Stress Prevention, Ayurvedic Eating, Strength Training
Why Yoga and Hypnosis
- Yoga opens your body for change and calms your mind with puts you in the perfect state for change.
- What is Hypnosis? Read about it here.
- Our signature classes include gentle yoga with relaxing hypnosis. It’s okay if you have not moved in a while and 80% of the people that start the program have never done yoga before. You are safe here.