Yoga Class Plans for Teachers (Free Yoga Lesson Plans)
Welcome Yoga Teachers! As yoga instructors, our desire is to lead classes that touch the lives of our students both on and off their mats. Finding the continuing motivation and inspiration to grow our students, and at the same time grow ourselves as instructors, is an honorable discipline that we want to celebrate. We are here to help you along this journey with these free yoga class plans for yoga teachers.
We created these yoga lesson plans for teachers to further inspire your own creativity, save you time, and help with the planning and sharing of your classes.
Our Free Yoga Lesson Plans Feature…
- Inspired, Topic Focused Practices
- Teacher Notes
- Creative Asana/Posture Flows or Topical Asana Suggestions
- Class Readings to Deepen the Focus and Introduce Yogic Philosophy
- Class Language & Inspirational Quotes
- Pranayama/Breathing Suggestions
- Guided Meditations and Relaxations
- Time Considerations
- Class Adaptations for Experience Levels
- Programming Series Suggestions
Here are the Featured Yoga Lesson Plans for Your Class Planning
Lesson Plan Name: “Feeling Fluidity”
Description: Many of our students experience yoga for the first time as a discipline for their bodies. Even more specifically for the muscular/skeletal body – the body they can see and feel easily. One easy step to deepen these students’ practice is to move them deeper into the body to notice their fluid body. Once more aware of the fluid that makes up 70% of our physical bodies, it gets easier to see the benefits of the physical yoga practice beyond gained strength and flexibility. The fluid flow of this class is very much a Vinyasa Style of yoga.
Click here for the Free Feeling Fluidity Yoga Class Plan
Lesson Class Name: “Simplicity”
Description: The mentality of “more” dominates our western culture when what really need is less.
Abundance of life lies in the secret of simplicity. This class is designed to get your students
thinking about the impact of their thoughts and choices on and off the mat.
Click here for the Free Feeling Simplicity Yoga Class Plan
“Ha-Tha Yoga Sun – Moon Flows”
Description: The theme of this class centers around the Sun and Moon energies and how they are balanced in the body and mind and can be controlled by the breath. The concepts of Yoga’s Sun and Moon sides might be new to students, so even if you forgo the readings and discussions, make sure to do a quick introduction of these sides at the start of your class. The physical part of the class is divided into Sun Flows first to heat and energize the body followed by Moon Flows to move deeper into our consciousness.
Click here for the Ha-Tha Yoga Sun-Moon Flows Yoga Lesson Plan
“Spiral Yoga Lesson”
Description: Spirals (“kund” in Sanskrit) exist both internally and externally, internally in the body and externally off the mat. This principal is essential in Anusara yoga. It can be adapted to provide vinyasa yogis with a new understanding of their body and a new approach to their poses. Our body has innate spirals (such as our DNA and the relationship of the bones in our forearms). We also create spirals during poses. Many variations of the Garudasana spirals will be explored in the following flows. Spirals also remind us of impermanence. This class will encourage embracing the different stages of life, season, status, etc. as we follow our dharma (path).
Click here for the Free Spiral Yoga Class Plan
“Reaching Dreams – Lengthening the Side Body”
Description: Working to lengthen the side body has myriads of benefits. It allows for great spinal mobility, improves posture, and can even tone the midsection. If you’ve ever been sore after kayaking, or any other rowing activity, this is the lesson for you. If you’ve wanted to deepen your twists, facilitate more effortless binds, or find more extension in forearm stands, this class will benefit your practice. On a physical level, the class will stretch the intercostal muscles between the ribs as well as the latissimus dorsi muscle (Latin for “the broadest muscle in the back”). On a metaphysical level, this class will encourage practitioners to reach for their dreams.
Click here for the Reaching Dreams Free Yoga Class Plan
“Let Your Light Shine – R&R Yoga Lesson”
Description: Restorative Yoga is perfect for times of change, whether experiencing external or internal transformations. During changes of season, times of grief, healing from illness, or when in need of TLC for any reason, a restful yoga practice can calm and renew the body, mind, and spirit. In this Restore and Rise Yoga class, practitioners will begin with a meditation on gently observing without judgment, use cooling pranayama techniques, and hold restful asanas, and finally open to their inherent greatness with a compassionate approach to King Pigeon.
Click here for the Let Your Light Shine Free Yoga Lesson Plan